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The mast within the residential area

The Landlords of Alagbaka / police headquarters areas of Akure,the Ondo state capital have pettioned the Nigeria Broadcasting Commission for sitting an FM station within their residential area without due recourse to the residents and guiding Laws of the state and the Nation.

In a petition written by the landlords association in the area and signed by their Lawyer Barr Tunde Atere, it stated that it became worrisome to the residents of the community, only to notice the spring-up of a structure and high mast/tower in the neighborhood without any prior knowledge of landlords in the area. The environment, which by original design, is a purely residential plan is however being converted into a commercial design as it has now turned.

According to the representatives of the Landords association , Mr. Victor Adejimola and Mrs. Veronica Titus who spoke respectfully on behalf of the landlords,said  all efforts by the community at getting who is behind the FM station did not yeilded result, until police step into the matter.

While narrating the experience of the community at a recent public review on the sitting of the FM station, it was noticed that and observed that the consultant handling the project, has not done what he is expected to do before the commencement of the project, the consultant has negated due procedures, in accordance with the Law on sitting such a project, as the project is almost at 65% completion.

The landlords positioned that at the public review on the project, the chairman of the panel reviewing , Prof. Ayo Olajuyigbe of the Federal University of Technology Akure,( FUTA ) x-raying and analysing the Environmental Impact Assessment document  presented by  the consultant was  completely condemned and chastised by members of the panel especially officials of the ministry of Environment, the Chairman of the panel condemned the  documents presentation of the consultant as very  defective in totality and not properly handled, while it was resolved that a re-presentation should be made.

While the landlords noted that they are not against any developmental plans of any individuals or groups of the development of the community they however posit that their wellbeing should also be put into consideration especially above individual pecuniary benefits. Safety and health of human beings in the society should be no one priority of any government and  developmental strides.

The landlords noted that the whole process of the project is faulty, just as the consultant handling the project lacks the competence  know-how in handling project of such magnitude, moreso to prevent any future occurrence of hazard effects this action may cause, reason for the petition.

The Landlords also expressed concern that certain individuals are turning blind eyes to the risk and health hazzard to the inhabitants of the community, rather they are threatening the landlords with etnic sentiments. Safety and health of human beings in the society should be no one priority of any government and  developmental strides.

The landlords noted that the whole process of the project is faulty, just as the consultant handling the project lacks the competence  know-how in handling project of such magnitude, moreso to prevent any future occurrence of hazard effects this action may cause, reason for the petition.

The Landlords also expressed concern that certain individuals are turning blind eyes to the risk and health hazzard to the inhabitants of the community, rather they are threatening the landlords with ethnic sentiments.

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