The health Benefits Of Carrots For Men as posed By: Denise Baptiste Published:Wednesday, December 4, 2013, 22:34 [IST] Did you know there are more than a million reasons why men should definitely eat a carrot a day instead of an apple. The health benefits of carrots for men is much more essential than other vegetables that are available in the market.
We wonder what are carrots good for? The answer to it is, beta carotene present in a carrot is beneficial for a man in ways you cannot even imagine.
According to experts, it is believed that this healthy winter vegetables should be consumed at least twice in a week. It assures you a healthy way of life and keeps you away from all sorts of illness and diseases too.
The health benefits of carrots for men have been listed below to help you understand why it is a necessity food to add to your diet.
Here are some of the benefits of eating carrots everyday which men should be aware of., Especially Men above the age of 30 years should make it a point to add this winter vegetable to their diet.
Men who are above the age of 30 years are the ones who need it the most as it is at this age family planning begins!
Therefore, here are some of the health benefits of carrots for men you should learn about. Take a look:
BLOOD PURIFICATION: Men too need to purify their blood! The best health benefits of carrot for men is to grind the carrot and consume it in the form of juice once in a week.
FERTILITY : Improves Sperm. They say that carrot helps to improve the quality of sperm. Men who are planning a family need to consume raw carrots during the ovulation period
DIGESTION : Carrot are beneficial for digestion. Men who are suffering from digestive problems need to indulge on red carrots twice in a day to help heal you. Stomach Disorders Carrots are healthy for men when it comes to all types of stomach disorders. If you have gastric problems, then carrots will help ease the problem.
CHOLESTEROL CONTROL : The best health benefit of carrots for men is to help reduce the cholesterol level in the body. Consume a fresh glass of carrot juice every night after dinner.
EYES PROBLEM : for men who have cataract and long sightedness. Boost Hearts It will help boost your heart and keep you away from all types of heart diseases too.
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE CONTROL : Blood Pressure, Carrots are beneficial for men since they have potassium in it. It helps to balance high levels of sodium associated with hypertension.
CONSTIPATION : To ease the pain and bowel movement in constipation, a carrot will help to heal and resolve all related cases of constipation.
With the above, the health importance of hygienic red carrot can not be over emphasized as good rudiments of man's health.
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