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The  academic Staff  union  of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo (RUGIPO) in  Ondo state and the polytechnic community at large poised over the collapsing state of infrastructures in the institution,lacadsical and inept attitude of the management and the insensitivity of the state government towards the development  of the institution to embark on indefinite  strike action.

 The Academic  Staff  Union  of Polytechnic  ( ASUP) RUGIPO   through the chairman  of the union, Comrade Rafiu Ijawoye said  in this view of  all this appaullig situations at a press conference over the weekend that the union is constrained to embark on the total strike action as aforesaid and with the demand as follows:

Payments of 16 months CONPOCASS arrears by the management of the Institution effective from July 2009 (It should be noted that all sister institutions within the state has been paid this arrears aside RUGIPO).

Payments of 10 months unpaid staff salaries for the months of June  2016 to January 2017 as well as July and August 2017
Payments of 2015 and 2016 promotion arrears.

With total compliance with court order in respect of  ASUP members that suffered political persecution from the former administration through non  payment of their outstanding salaries of reinstated acedemic staff.

In addition the union requires urgent intervention in the following matters:
Accreditation: as it stands all programmes being offered by the polytechnic are due for accreditation and are under the threat of being deaccredited due apparently to deliberate starvation of funds.

While issue of   pensions  and gratuity  at the institution is  at it’s heart grieving that in Rugipo staffers retire into penury. A situation where upon retirement after serving for 25 years, thirty years and above, one is not sure of retirement benefits.there are several retirees now that are yet to be paid their gratuity and also not being paid pension. 

Based on the aboved circumstances, the union having implore all legal avenues  to resolve the issue fell on deaf ears ,therefore  decided to embark on indefinite  strike  to press home their demands , after suffering  lots of pains and set back according to the union.

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