Revealed that, throughout MKO stay in Grammar School, it was the only uniform he used from year one, he used till his fifth year until he went to Simbiat's house one day and the girl's parent saw MKO, it took the love of God to allow MKO to enter that house in a tathered cloth that looks worse than a rag!!! The following day, they got him a New uniform. It was Abiola's happiest day in life then.
Another significance impact , was the First time MKO ate fried egg in his entire life was at his year five, when he visited Simbiat family. Abiola was only eating yam ordinarily, until they, Simbiat parents asked him to eat egg, he was so curious to asked "what is this", they told him "egg"...."what type of egg is this", he probed further. "FRIED EGG", they replied. "FRIED egg?, do they fry egg?"....MKO said within him,this was due to his ignorance and level of poverty. Yet, similar poverty still persist on our land today...
MKO did 16 subjects at his ordinary level certificate examinations, he had Distictions in all. This amazed the South West Regional Government because his was the best result in the region. He was also offered overseas admissions to study Law, Acounting and Medicine . Abiola, under the scholarship of Western Region went to the University of Glasgow, Scotland to study Accounting.
He graduated with First Class and got overall best result in the University.He was chartered at both Scotland, England and Nigeria.
MKO a symbol of no to poverty, till the last time he breadth the last life out of him.
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